2018 Toronto Private School STEAM Training Camp

August 2018:

During August 2018, Canada International Education, University of Toronto co-hosted an international STEAM training camp at Century Private School in Toronto, Canada, with the purpose of fostering an interest in drone technologies.

Nine (9) students from Toronto and six (6) students from China participated in 2 weeks of theoretical and practical drone training activities, as well as English public speaking.

The training camp was concluded with a hoop racing competition and English oral presentations by all participants.

After 20 hours of simulator practice and micro drone flying, each student successfully completed two practical tests, English oral presentations and received University of Toronto certificates.

The Century PS students utilized the drone room, and practiced with great fun and enthusiasm. The instructor, Jonathan Lin, with volunteers and previous students taught the younger and new group the basics of drone flying and safety. Here, they were able to practice in a safe environment for their upcoming mini-competition.